Illinois Financial Summit Aims to Combat Elder Fraud

Upcoming summit by the Department on Aging and Attorney General’s Office aims to equip older adults with skills to combat financial scams.


  • IDoA and Attorney General’s Office unite to host scam prevention summit.
  • Summit to educate on recognizing fraud signs and safeguarding finances.
  • Features experienced speakers on fraud prevention and victim response.

The Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) and the Attorney General’s Office, alongside local law enforcement and aging field experts, are organizing a comprehensive one-day financial summit. Set for Thursday, Feb. 22, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Prairie Heart Institute’s Dove Conference Center in Springfield, the event is designed to arm older adults and their allies with crucial knowledge against financial scams.

“Financial scams targeting older adults are increasingly prevalent and can be ruinously expensive,” stated IDoA Interim Director Becky Dragoo—emphasizing the importance of recognizing scam indicators and reacting appropriately if targeted.

The summit will feature enlightening sessions by speakers from the Illinois Attorney General’s office, Kendall County Sheriff’s office, Peoria County TRIAD, and Terri Worman—an educator with over 35 years of experience. Topics will span identifying financial scams, protective strategies, and understanding reporting mechanisms across various government levels.

Attorney General Kwame Raoul encourages older residents, caregivers, and professionals in the aging sector to participate in this pivotal training to fortify defenses against those aiming to exploit financial or personal information.

The event is open to older adults, caregivers, and professionals working with the elderly, with free registration available online. While snacks will be provided, attendees are responsible for their lunch arrangements. For further information or inquiries, contact

About IDoA: The Department on Aging advocates for and serves older Illinoisans and their caregivers—promoting independence, dignity, and quality of life through a range of quality, culturally appropriate programs. For more details on IDoA’s services, visit or reach out to the Senior HelpLine.

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